Federal Sentencing Briefs

We are a Federal Sentencing Brief Consulting firm that will write your Federal Sentencing Brief for you.  

Consider More Sentencing Mitigation Factors

We focus on crafting a brief that incorporates as many sentencing factors under 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a) that reasonably apply to your circumstances for the Judge to consider.

Make Strong Arguments

We help craft strong arguments for sentencing mitigation that may assist in reducing your overall sentence. The ultimate sentence is completely within the discretion of the Judge.

Expedited Process

We can work very quickly in drafting a sentencing brief that includes many 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a) factors that may assist you in mitigation. 

Strong Base for Mitigation Strategy

Our Federal Sentencing Briefs are a powerful resource for defendants and their lawyers in establishing mitigation at sentencing.

  • High Level Brief

    • Sentencing Mitigation Strategy
    • 10 Letters of Recommendation
    • Custom Brief
  • Written with Passion

    • Your needs are important
    • Attention to details
    • For Lawyers and Defendants

We Have Answered Almost All Your Questions

Federal Sentencing Brief is a powerful source to draft your Federal Sentencing Memorandum or Brief.

Ready for Federal Sentencing Mitigation?

Contact us for a consultation.

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